Plans and annual reports

Strategic directions

The Board's 2020-25 strategic directions are split into two programs.

Program 1 | Responsible ownership and management of dogs and cats

  • Inform and educate the community about dog and cat management.
  • Equal focus on cat management to the same level as dog management.
  • Reduce the incidence of dog attacks.
  • Reduce the numbers of unwanted dogs and cats.
  • Support and encourage research on responsible ownership and effective dog and cat management.
  • Develop capacity to fulfill the requirements of the Act.

Program 2 | Effective Board and organisational performance

  • Reinforce an evidence based approach to addressing issues.
  • Ensure the Board and unit operate at a high level.
  • Maximise the benefits of Dogs and Cats Online.
  • Ensure the quality of data.
  • Build and invest in relationships and partnering.
  • Collaborate nationally to manage dogs and cats.
  • Address policy and legislative gaps.
  • Effective financial management.

Refer > Board's strategic plans

Annual report

Strategic and business plan

The Board’s strategic plan sets out the functions of the board and identifies the desired outcomes. The annual business plan identifies priority actions and investment for the current financial year to support the effective management of dogs and cats across the state.

Plan and report archives

Plans and reports older than five years can be obtained by making contact with the Board.

Strategic Plans
Business/Operational Plans
Annual reports