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Registering cats

In South Australia, cat microchipping and desexing is mandatory and owners must register this information in Dogs and Cats Online.

Registering your cat on the state register will help you get it back if it goes missing because council officers, RSPCA, Animal Welfare League and vets all use Dogs and Cats Online to identify and reunite pets with owners. It is the most frequently used and updated register for South Australian dogs and cats and you are sent annual reminders to keep your contact details current.

First time registration

You register your cat by its microchip number which your breeder, shelter, vet, microchip implanter or previous owner would have given you. Registration is easy and convenient, you do it yourself at Dogs and Cats Online. If you need help, use the step-by-step easy guide.

If your cat's microchip has not been added to Dogs and Cats Online, then you will need an electronic copy of the microchip certificate to complete the new registration.

Step-by-step easy guide to registering your cat

Keep your details up to date

Keeping your information in Dogs and Cats Online up to date is especially important if your cat goes missing. Microchips offer the best form of identification and will help you reunite with your cat. Council officers, vets or animal shelters scan lost cats for microchips and locate you through Dogs and Cats Online.

Changing ownership

If the cat has previously been registered on Dogs and Cats Online by another owner, ask the previous owner for the transfer code (they must transfer the microchip registration to you).

If your cat goes to a new home, you must transfer the microchip registration to the new owner via Dogs and Cats Online. You’ll receive a transfer code to give to the new owner. The new owner will then need to log into Dogs and Cats Online to complete the transfer and registration using the transfer code you provided.

How to transfer ownership

Registration Fees

Councils set their own dog and cat registration fees.

All councils charge dog registration fees but only some councils have cat registration (in a by-law) and charge cat registration fees. For specific information, please contact your local council.

All cat owners will receive a notice in July either requiring them to renew their cat registration or a reminder to check their contact details are up to date.

Contact your council to enquire about any fees or possible by-laws relating to cat containment, curfews or limits on how many cats you can keep on your property.

Need help?

Contact your local council if you have questions or need assistance registering your cat.