Breeder registration

Anyone who sells a dog or cat they’ve bred, whether intentional or not (eg. an accidental litter) must be registered as a breeder in Dogs and Cats Online. If you give animals away ‘for free’, you don’t need to register but if you trade them for goods or services, you must register.

In November 2022 the Dog and Cat Management Board (Board) advised there would be new rules and processes to meet the government’s commitment to ban puppy factories and introduce stricter standards for breeding. Learn more about these changes >>

Registration period

Breeder registration expires 30 June each year. Renewal notices are issued each July with your dog and cat registration notices.

Breeder registration number

When you register you’ll be assigned a Dogs and Cats Online, 'DACO', breeder registration number. All breeder registration numbers begin with ‘DACO’ immediately followed by 6 numbers (no spaces). Your DACO breeder registration number is not transferrable—it can’t be used by anyone but you. You must include your DACO breeder registration number in any advertisements selling dogs and cats you have bred.

Members of the public can search current and historic breeder registration numbers at

Desex exemption

Registered breeders are exempt from the requirement to desex their breeding dogs and/or cats whilst the breeder registration is current. When you de-register or your registration expires and lapses, you must desex your dogs and/or cats unless you have another other valid exemption for the animals.

How to register

Go to Dogs and Cats Online

  1. Select Login using your email address and secure password
    (select Forgotten your password if you need to reset it)
  2. Select Breeder/Pedigree Membership Registration
  3. Complete the breeder registration questions
  4. Pay the annual fee (expires 30 June each year)

If you're not sure of your Dogs and Cats Online account details

  1. Select Register
  2. Select Register as a breeder
  3. Select No/Not sure
  4. Enter your details
  5. Select your owner account
  6. Select Proceed without login
  7. Pay the annual fee

If you don't have a Dogs and Cats Online account, you'll need to register your dog or cat first. You can then register as a breeder. You need an email address to register, otherwise, contact your local council for assistance.