Renting with pets

A landlord, strata or community corporation cannot prevent a tenant with a disability from using an assistance dog or therapeutic animal. Contact the Office of the Commissioner for Equal Opportunity on (08) 7322 7070 or the Australian Human Rights Commission on 1300 656 419 for more information.

Benefits of pet-friendly rentals

  • Properties are usually rented out faster, reducing advertising costs;
  • Attract long term tenants;
  • A dog’s presence can prevent vandalism and break-ins to the property;
  • Pets provide companionship and comfort which contribute to the tenant’s wellbeing;
  • Reduce the number of unwanted animals in South Australia.

Securing pet-friendly rentals

  • Be prepared: read the Renting with pets guide for tenants (below);
  • Provide potential landlords a copy of the Renting with pets guide for landlords and managing agents (below);
  • Provide a reference from a previous landlord for you and your pet;
  • Offer information about your pet in terms of their nature, registration and vaccinations – consider a resume (see example below).


Renting with pets guide for landlords and managing agents Renting with pets guide for tenants Example pet application resume Example pet rental agreement