If your pet is lost/found or we need tell you something important about dog and cat management, we can then contact you.
Last year, a large internet service provider (TPG) discontinued their email services which may affect dog and cat owners with TPG, iiNet, Internode or Westnet email accounts. If this was you; or if you've recently moved home; or have a new phone or other email address, please update Dogs and Cats Online now >> Dogs and Cats Online.
If you can't log in, contact your council for help.
When you first register in Dogs and Cats Online, you create an ‘owner account’. Adding an email address allows you to log into your owner account and self-manage your details. Your dog and cat records are linked to your owner account. You can register new dogs and cats to your owner account as you welcome new pets into your home. Your username will always be your email address. If you forget your password, you can easily reset it. Councils can register dogs and cats for owners who don’t have an email address or internet access.
The following information is recorded on your owner account:
Dog and cat records contain the following information:
Owners are sent annual notices to renew their Council registration or confirm their details are correct. Checking your details annually ensures that all dogs and cats have the best chance of being returned quickly if they are found wandering.
In addition to Dogs and Cats Online, owners may choose to register their dog or cat’s microchip on a private microchip registry. These registries are not associated with Dogs and Cats Online.
To protect your privacy and access Dogs and Cats Online you'll need a current web browser and operating system. Learn more.